Norræn vefráðstefna um vistvæna mannvirkjagerð 15.9. kl. 7-13:30 – Nordic Climate Forum

Hin árlega norræna ráðstefna Nordic Climate Forum for Constructions verður haldin í Helsinki og á netinu föstudaginn 15. september kl. 7:00-13:30 á íslenskum tíma (kl. 10:00-16:30 á staðartíma).

Norræn stjórnvöld, háskólasamfélagið og hagaðilar úr byggingariðnaðinum fjalla um helstu strauma og stefnur í vistvænni mannvirkjagerð.

Viðburðurinn er haldinn á vegum finnska umhverfisráðuneytisins, Aalto háskólans og Grænni byggð í Finnlandi.

Skráning fer fram hér. 

Dagskráin er eftirfarandi (íslenskur tími):

07:00 Official opening of the forum

Opening words by the Finnish Minister of Climate and Environment, Kai Mykkänen

Key Note Presentation by Principal Responsible Investment Specialist of the Bank of Finland, Anna Hyrske

07:40 Session 1: Policies for low carbon construction

Greetings from the European Commission by Senior Policy Officer of the European Commission, Josefina Lindblom

Whole Life Carbon Regulation in Finland and Nordic Collaboration by the Finnish Ministry of the Environment, Kirsi Martinkauppi

Nordic Policy Overview of Whole Life Carbon Regulation by the Head of Secretariat of Nordic Sustainable Construction, Helle Redder Momsen

Policy updates from Nordic countries and Estonia

09:30 Lunch

10:30 Session 2: Carbon budgets for buildings

From carbon budgets to limit values by Research Associate of KU Leuven, Dr. Martin Röck

Towards climate reporting of the building stock by Senior Specialist of Sweco Denmark, Morten Walbech Ryberg

Carbon budgets: First experiences from Denmark by Specialist from the Danish Authority of Social Services and Housing, Helle Redder Momsen

Panel Discussion: How can the built environment support carbon neutrality?

11:45 Coffee break

12:15 Session 3: The business of carbon neutral construction

Market Outlook for Finland by Leading Specialist of Granlund consulting, Charlotta Nyholm

Market Outlook for Iceland by Project manager of green building Council Iceland, Katarzyna Jagodzinska

13:00 Closing Words

Greetings from the City of Helsinki by Deputy Mayor, Anni Sinnemäki

Closing Words By Dr. Matti Kuittinen of Aalto University, Maria Tiainen of the Ministry of the Environment and Miisa Tähkänen of Green Building Council Finland

13:30 End of forum

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